How to Flirt in a Face Mask

Have you noticed when at the grocery store or on a walk in a face mask that it’s tough to read peoples’ emotions when half their faces are obscured? How the heck do you know if someone is cheerily letting you pass in an aisle or annoyed that you’re in their space?
And beyond that, how do you know if they’re looking at you like, hey, if we weren’t in a pandemic, I’d ask you out for a drink?
Well, Outer Banks star Madison Bailey has teamed up with a body language expert to help people navigate the strange waters of face-mask flirtation:
Madison, 21, who shot to fame playing the role of Kiara Carrera in the hit Netflix show, has teamed up with a body language expert to share some top tips for wooing a potential partner while wearing a covering over half your face.
The key, they say, is the eyebrows. In lieu of flashing a sexy smile, it’s all about using the eye area to communicate your feelings and catch the attention of that special someone.
And far from being a hindrance, Madison says that face masks can actually help to boost your confidence when it comes to flirting.
‘If you’re a shy flirter, this is the perfect time for you, half your face is covered, you can relax, feel a little bit more comfortable,’ she told
‘The most important part of communicating with a mask is friendliness and being genuine, which I think is a difficult thing,’ she said.
‘It’s very important to learn how to embrace people, like strangers, and let them know you have good energy and to put that out by only using your eyes up. I think there is so much communication that happens non verbally.
‘So much is important. When you even look at somebody across the room, just the way they look at you makes an impression with you. Figuring out how to communicate with people with a mask on is so important.
‘Brows are the new lips!’
Welp, you heard it here first! Brows are the new lips, now get out there and flirt with only the top of your face! Check out the video below: