How to End a Bad First Date

In a perfect world, everyone you met on the OBC Club dating app would end in fun, mind-blowing sex. Sadly, that’s not always the case – sometimes you know pretty much instantly that you and your date don’t have chemistry. Ending a bad date can be a challenging but necessary task to ensure you don’t waste your time or the other person’s time. Here are three tips for ending a bad date gracefully:
- Be honest and kind: It’s important to be honest with your date about how you’re feeling. You can express your feelings in a kind and considerate way, such as saying, “I appreciate meeting you tonight, but I don’t think we’re a good match” or “I’m not feeling a strong connection.” Avoid being rude or hurtful; remember that the other person’s feelings matter too.
- Have a polite exit strategy: Before the date, think of a polite exit strategy that you can use if the date isn’t going well. You might say something like, “I just realized I have an early morning tomorrow,” or “I think I left something important at home that I need to take care of.” Having a graceful way to end the date can make the process smoother and less awkward.
- Offer to split the bill: If the date involved a meal or drinks, offer to split the bill to avoid any lingering awkwardness. This gesture shows that you’re not trying to take advantage of the situation and that you’re willing to share the cost of the date.
Remember that it’s essential to prioritize your own comfort and well-being while also being respectful of the other person’s feelings. Ending a bad date honestly and respectfully is a mature way to handle the situation.