How Not To Get Raped
Hey ladies, it’s the end of the work day, and I know, you’re sleepy and a little grumpy and you just want to get home so you can rewatch Willow for the fourth time because you keep forgetting to send it back to Netflix hit the club with your girlfriendz, but we need to talk about something important. Rapists. THEY’RE EVERYWHERE! Literally every corner has at least one person that probably wants to rape you, or so this video implies.
So before you pack up your things and walk to your car, check out this quick training video to protect yourself from being raped and MURDERED, by sh*tting your pants and rubbing it all over your arms I am not joking that’s what the video says.
May 7, 2012 @ 10:16 am
A rapist looks for opertunity. You fumble for your keys. , you are inatentive to your suroundings etc. A rapist is about power over a woman. It’s the control he has over the woman while forcing sex on her.