How “Man Children” Kill Women’s Sex Drives

Turns out it’s not just stress, lack of body confidence, or biology that make some women just plain NOT into sex – it’s might also be dudes’ faults:
A recent study, published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour journal, found that not only do man-children exist, but they’re actually killing women’s libidos with their ineptitude.
Researchers from universities in Canada and Australia set out to explore if this kind of relationship unfairness could explain why many women, partnered with men, report a low sex drive. Indeed, they found when women perform more household labour than their partner, they tend to see them like a dependent child. This, unsurprisingly, reduces their sexual desire for that person. Ongoing inequalities in domestic labour have even been cited as why more women file for divorce than men.
So, if you’re guy co-habitating with your partner and realizing she’s not into doin the deed as much – it might be time to start making the bed more if you wanna spend more time knnockin’ boots in it!