How Dating Has Changed

Between advancements in social upheavals, technological advances, and a global pandemic, it’s not surprising that the single life is different now than it was 100 years ago. And thanks to a new study published, we can see how these changes have manifested. Via The Sun:
A new study published in the journal Sexuality & Culture found that as the times have changed, so, too, has dating.
More than 20,000 straight college students were surveyed and asked to describe their most recent date with someone they were not in a relationship with, including who initiated the date, who paid and who initiated sexual contact.
Researchers out of the University of Kansas analyzed the data and found that only about one-third of the dates (36%) involved a man asking the woman out, paying, then initiating sex.
That means more than 64% of those surveyed tossed aside those old-school dating ways.
The researchers also found that women are more likely to have sex on the first date if they ask the man out, which may be the main reason 88% of respondents agreed that it is OK for a woman to ask a man out.
Evidently, dating has evolved into a more equal model between the sexes, where women are more likely to pay for dinner and initiate dessert.
“In hookup culture, you don’t have to go on a date or enter a relationship to have sex,” Kendrick explained. “The order has essentially flipped around.”