How Can Men Become Better Daters?

Hey there, gentlemen! If you’ve been feeling like you haven’t had success on OBC Dating, it may be time to level up your dating game. Grab your favorite beverage, kick back, and let’s dive into three tips that might just transform your romantic escapades from “meh” to “yeah!” courtesy of expert advice via Vox.
1. Embrace Your Inner Happy Camper
Before you start swiping right or rehearsing that perfect pickup line, take a moment to check in with numero uno—you. Charlie McKeever, affectionately known as the “Happy Man Coach,” emphasizes that genuine confidence stems from self-contentment. When you’re happy with who you are, you naturally exude an attractive vibe. It’s like upgrading from standard definition to 4K—people notice the clarity.
2. Set Rejection Goals—Yes, Really
Fear of rejection holding you back? Time to flip the script. Consider setting “rejection goals” to desensitize yourself to the dreaded “no.” By aiming for a certain number of rejections, you reframe the experience, making each “no” a step closer to a “yes.” It’s like building an immunity—soon, rejection will feel less like a sting and more like a gentle nudge.
3. Ditch the Unrealistic Checklist
We all have that mental list of must-haves for a partner: model looks, a six-figure salary, and the culinary skills of a Michelin-starred chef. But let’s be real—perfection is a myth. Experts suggest focusing on core values and being open to compromise. By easing up on stringent standards, you might discover connections that are genuinely fulfilling, even if they don’t tick every box.
So, there you have it—three tips to navigate the wild world of dating with a smile. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Happy dating!