Hooters Waitress Suspended for Being Too Fat
Is it just me or has the hotness-level of Hooters waitresses kind of been on a downward slope recently? I mean, not to say most of them could probably be plucked from a crowd to sleep with the lead singer of Good Charlotte or anything, cause I’m sure they’re still hot enough for that, but I definitely have been noticing a disastrous lack of…well, Hooters, and the cake face syndrome has been spreading like wildfire!
Still, though, one manager of a Hooters in Detroit knows how to keep his little ladies in check- by putting one on “weight probation” when she hit the startling weight of… wait… 132 pounds? Cassie Smith, a 5’8 blonde, says that during her two-year review with the restaurant, she received glowing reviews, except for one area- apparently they told her that her “shorts and shirt size could use some improvement.”
According to Cassie, they gave her 30 days to lose weight or else she’s be terminated. Check out the photo below and let us know what you think — is Cassie Smith too fat to work at Hooters?

Check out the full story at Guyism