Harry Potter Dubstep Pole Dance
There are certain things in life that just… confuse me. I become torn between two conflicting emotions and don’t know where to turn. It’s like when both Intervention and Jersey Shore are on. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO WATCH? They are both disturbing displays of human degradation and decay that inevitably features a fist fight! Or when I’m on a street corner and there is a guy selling hotdogs… I know I WANT the hotdog, but I also know I WANT to keep my bowels from curdling like year old milk. What is a person to DO?!!!
I experienced this same emotional warfare when I saw this video of Harry Potter Dubstep Pole Dance, below. Part of me is like, “this is a stain on the good name of Harry Potter and all that it represents!” and another part of me is really, really turned on.
What do you think? In the words of a hilariously outdated rating website, HOT or NOT?
Dubstep Beatboxer | Booty Call U
December 2, 2011 @ 10:16 am
[…] you’ll see that dubstep brings the party. I mean, for god’s sake, it’s made Harry Potter AND juggling […]
November 17, 2011 @ 11:25 am
If she can cook I just found my wife.
Dubstep Juggling | Booty Call U
November 9, 2011 @ 12:31 pm
[…] too. But now we know dubstep not only works with unbelievably talented dancers (both this kind AND this kind), but that it makes juggling less nerdy. DUBSTEP = […]