Happy Friday from OBC!

The sun is setting earlier, there’s a nip in the air, and everything smells like friggin pumpkin. Fall is here and it’s time to shake off the summer sweat and get your dating mojo back!
Here are a few tips to help you break out of a dating rut this weekend!
1. Hit the gym
Yeah, it sounds terrible when happy hour at a newly open bar is calling you. However, taking an hour after work or school will not only get your endorphins up, but it’ll boost your confidence and make you feel sexier. And if you know you’re sexy, then THEY’LL know you’re sexy. Plus those skinny jeans aren’t gonna expand for you, I don’t care how much spandex is in them.
2. Get off your phone!
Louis CK had a great rant on Conan once in which he discussed how smart phones are ruining peoples’ ability to communicate in real life. After a pandemic, when videos and social media are all we had, it’s even easier to fall prey to screens. So this weekend, pledge to keep your phone away as much as possible. Yeah it’ll be tough not to check Instagram every twelve minutes but by paying attention to your environment, you’re more likely to spot a lonely single lady or gent who’d love some attention. BINGO!
3. Take the road less traveled
Whether that means trying out a new coffee shop, signing up for a cross fit gym, or spending the day in nature, changing up your routine can help you meet singles that might not frequent the same places you do. Your princess in lingerie or knight in shining birthday suit might be around the corner serving up lattes.
4. Volunteer to be the sober driver
While others are stumbling over their words and spilling on themselves cause they haven’t been to a bar in 365 days, you could be the one playing Rico Suave. You’ll look responsible and mature around a bunch of drunks, and that right there is sexy. Plus during sunday brunch you won’t be nursing a hangover from hell.
5. Practice EBL – Eye contact, Body Language, Listening!
Since you’re hangover free, feeling buff, and at a cool outdoor lounge you’ve never been to – use the time you’re not on your phone to practice your listening skills. Usually we say it’s all about ESL – Eye contact, smiling, and listening – but now many of us are masked up, which means you’ve really got to let your eyes and body language do the talking. So pay attention and be attentive. You’d be surprised how often guys and girls are like “I thought we was cute until I realized he was literally staring off while we talked. No thanks.”
Get out there this weekend and make the most of being on #teamSINGLE. And of course, if you want to GUARANTEE you’ll get laid, just get in the VIP line (no wait, no cover) for Club OBC. Your first booty call is on us ;).