Gucci Mane Slept Through His Sex Scene in Spring Breakers

Well now if this isn’t a hreat anti-drug commercial than I don’t know what is – according to Spring Breakers director Harmony Korine, rapper Gucci Mane smoked so much pot before filming his (REAL) sex scene in the movie that he passed out in the middle of the act.
Yeah, you read right. As a woman was going to town on his D, he FELL. ASLEEP.
Via The Superficial:
“In his entourage, everybody smokes weed from the beginning of the day to the end,” explained Korine. “So we’re inside this house in St. Petersburg, and the fucking weed smoke was so insane and Gucci was basically catatonic. I was like, ‘Gucci, you’ve got to have sex with this chick now!’” How did he receive the news? “He wanted her to ride him so he wouldn’t have to do any physical labor.”
For a while, that worked. “So we’re shooting the sequence, and as he is getting fucked, I start to hear snores,” said Korine. “He had literally passed out! And she was riding his dick the whole time. I’d never in my life filmed a sex scene where the dude was sleeping … and she was on top of him for a good 45 minutes.”
Uhhh, YIKES, bro. I’m not opposed to marijuana, I mean go for it – it grows in the ground and puts people in good moods. But if you’re toking so much that you can’t even stay awake during SEX that’s BEING FILMED and you’re GETTING PAID FOR, you might have a problem to take care of. Like, I dunno, the type of problem that makes tattooing an ice cream cone on your face sound like a good idea.
And let’s all remember that too much marijuana can actually ruin your sex drive in the first place. Put down the herb, guys.
Oh, and Gucci is now wanted for assault in Atlanta.