Groom Kills Bride, Best Man, Self at Wedding
It’s beginning earlier and earlier these days: the mental disease I have dubbed “maritally induced insanity.” Although it usually takes a few years for people to start going nuts and stabbing each other and singing Christmas carols at the cops, this man in Brazil shows that the crazy disorder can be tipped off just moments after saying “I do.”
29-year-old Rogerio Damascena had just married his wife seconds earlier, when he turned to the crowd of well-wishers, told him he “had a surprise” for them, and then proceeded to fatally shoot his new wife and his best man before turning the gun on himself.
Now sure, this guy could have been a total sociopath at birth who was able to keep his crazy from his family, friends, and future wife for 29 years, OR, he could be a totally normal guy who, after the stress of planning and executing a wedding and realizing his life as he knew it was over and he was legally tied to another human being just, couldn’t, deal.*
We send our condolences to the family of the bride, and imagine they’ll probably avoid all future wedding receptions.
* – I don’t really think marriage turns people into psychopathic murderers… just… you know, FYI.
Russell Brand Isn’t Getting Laid | Booty Call U
March 28, 2011 @ 2:38 pm
[…] THERE. GUESS WHAT. Case closed, topic over. Marriage is the worst. Period. It turns people into murderers and makes them go bat-sh** crazy and turns sex-pots like Katy Perry into dead fish with […]
January 5, 2011 @ 9:04 am
My guess is he caught the bride and the best man boffing. I see no other reason to only shoot those two. Can you imagine finding out just before the ceremony, perhaps seeing it minutes before doors are closed to start the ceremony? You run out and find a gun on impulse but the music queues and you’re pushed into your place by an unsuspecting groomsman. Standing there in front of a chapel full of friends and family you’re seething with rage that only builds and builds every time your best man smiles at you…”That pendejo…you think I wouldn’t find out?!” You let the ceremony go on, your rage completely shielding you from the reality of what is happening until you realize she’s standing in front of you and it’s “I do” time. You mutter the words, or rather your autopilot does as you continue to suspect everyone’s smiles are silent mockeries until you finally pull out a gun and make it all go away.