GREAT/BAD NEWS: STD Rates Are Going Down!

Well, in the world we live in, any good news is worth a F*CK-YEAH – and here’s some: according to NYT, though people are still having sex, STD rates are going down!
For the first time in years, rates of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis, which had been on track in 2020 to hit record highs in the United States, have taken an abrupt downturn. This should be good news.
But the drop is more likely a harbinger of bad news, experts in reproductive and sexual health believe. They say the pandemic has seriously hindered efforts to mitigate sexually transmitted infections. Rather than showing sexually transmitted diseases are on the run, the upbeat numbers likely signal instead that they are now going largely undetected.
Doctors also believe that many patients who might otherwise seek treatment for S.T.D. symptoms have been avoiding the clinics for fear of being exposed to Covid-19.
Womp womp. What’s the moral of the story? You’re protecting your health with a mask, protect your sexual health by wearing a down-south mask, if ya know what we mean.