Friends With Benefits and No Strings Attached Mash Up
I remember when we first heard that there were two different movies coming out this year about “friends with benefits” relationships, both starring hot guys (Ashton Kutcher and Justin Timberlake) and hot girls (Black Swan stars Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis) doing what we’ve always believed in – hooking up and having fun without all the commitment and drama of a full blown relationship. Then of course the trailers came out and we realized they weren’t actually on our side because it’s Hollywood and apparently a movie isn’t complete without someone falling in love and blah blah blah blah barf.
So, we treated the two movies like pet birds and put a blanket over their cage and said GO TO BED, LOUD MOUTH, and moved on. Fast forward 6 months, and this glorious mash up just about made our day!
Check out the scientific proof that Friends With Benefits and No Strings Attached are the same movie below!