Fox News Calls Obama’s Birthday a ‘Hip-Hop BBQ’
(Apparently this is People-Are-Racist Day. Sorry. I don’t plan these things.)
In “Fox News is Still A Racist and Pathetic Excuse for a Journalism Outlet” news, a recent headline by the “fair-and-balanced” website called President Obama’s 50th birthday party a “Hip Hop BBQ,” despite there actually being only one rapper there. According to Gawker, the actual guests ranges from comedians to sports commentators and singers from the 80s… but many of them did have one thing in common – they were black.
Clearly, this grouping of many African American people of influence made the event worthy of being referred to as “Hip-Hop.” So, for future reference, readers, a group of cows is a herd, a group of fish is a “school” and a group of black people celebrating a birthday party is a “hip-hop.” THE MORE YOU KNOW, AMIRITE?
On top of the flagrant racism in the headline, it notes that his birthday party “didn’t create any jobs,” because obviously every single step and blink and bowel movement the President of the United States (who, BTW, happens to be a human being) makes must be in effort to create jobs for the American people. Now, I understand that as a public servant, he has given up many of the privileges that we less-responsible citizens enjoy. But berating a 50-year-old man, who HAS made SEVERAL attempts to improve the standard of living for us (including expanding health insurance to people’s children up until age 26), for celebrating his birthday with his family and friends because it’s “not creating jobs,” is flat out SHAMEFUL. Especially after there being no qualms for President Bush who spent a RECORD-BREAKING 487 DAYS ON VACATION AT CAMP DAVID.
I’m starting to believe that this nation is just one big Truman Show thing. This CAN’T be real life, RIGHT?!