Fat Men Are Better In Bed. No Thanks
I am a lucky woman, in that I can honestly say I have never accidentally taken a man-atee home before (man-atee (n): a man, who if you saw him floating in the water face down, could be mistaken for a Trichechus manatus, or the West Indian manatee). However, I have friends who have accidentally taken a beast home and slept with him, only to recoil in horror once the mistake was realized.
Which makes me wonder about this article from Gawker, which states that overweight men are actually better in bed. WTF? According to the article, researchers have found that men with higher body mass indices last seven minutes longer than thinner guys. I wonder if this study took into consideration the females enjoyment of said seven minutes. I mean, congratulations, Tubby, on making it a few minutes longer, but the combination of sweating, grunting, and and quivering muscles as you struggle in missionary position is hardly something to brag about.