Ex-Bachelor Announces He’s Gay!

Going to show that even into your 30s, even after starring in the most STRAIGHT show ever, you may not really know your sexuality – so keep exploring – ex-Bachelor star Colton Underwood has come out as gay!
Via TMZ:
Colton opened up to Robin Roberts on “Good Morning America” saying … “I’ve ran from myself for a long time. I’ve hated myself for a long time … and I’m gay. And I came to terms with that earlier this year and have been processing it. And the next step in all of this was sort of letting people know.”
Underwood added, “I got into a place for me in my personal life that was dark and bad and I can list a bunch of different things but they’d all be excuses … I would have rather died than say I’m gay and I think that was sort of my wake-up call.”
Colton said it was so bad he thought of taking his life … “There was a moment in L.A. where I woke up and I didn’t think I was going to wake up. I didn’t have the intention of waking up and I did. And I think for me that was my wake-up call … this is your life, take back control.”
Giving a big high five to Colton for living his truth even in fear – we hope he is happy and fulfilled (and remember, we have a healthy base of gay members right here at OBC if you’re on the hunt :)