Dumb Criminal Alert
Helpful hint to anyone planning on rioting, vandalizing, and setting fire to things: don’t have a distinct facial feature that will get you caught, like say, TOTALLY OBVIOUS CROSSED EYES.

According to the Daily Mail, 23-year-old Andrew Burls participated in the London rioting this past August has been arrested and jailed for setting fire to buildings that caused over a million dollars in damage. After scouring surveillance footage from the riots, police noticed a strange detail about one of the arsonists – his eyes looked in different directions. The dummy covered up the bottom half of his face with a bandana, but failed to realize the the most distinct feature about him WAS ON THE TOP HALF.
So just keep in mind, folks: if you decide to ruin peoples’ lives by setting their homes and businesses on fire, maybe make sure that you aren’t a cross-eyed DUMBASS first.