Dr Ruth Introduces Low-Alcohol “Wine For Lovers”

The idea of an 80-year-old woman giving sex advice might creep you out a bit (it definitely creeps me out a bit), but you’ve gotta hand it to Dr. Ruth for her idea of a lower-alcohol wine that gets couples in the mood without making them fall asleep or suffer from the all-too-known condition called “whiskey dick.”
According to TheDailyMail, famed sex-therapist Dr. Ruth Westheimer is in the process of releasing a wine called “Vin de Amour,” that has only six percent alcohol (unlike the 12 percent that most are), so that couples can get a little buzz before hitting the sheets, without getting wasted and instead just hitting the sack.
‘My idea is that just the right amount [of alcohol] will awaken your senses and arouse you.’
‘I’m always saying couples should drink to relax, but not too much,’ she said. ‘If [the woman] drinks too much, she falls asleep and if [the man] drinks too much, he can’t perform.’
It will be stocked in supermarkets and even corner delis as well as ‘at least one top New York eatery’ once it is released.
She believes that a little bit of alcohol helps couple communicate.
‘A little bit of alcohol is welcome because it makes people not only relax, but communicate better,’ she said. ‘They will talk about their feelings, their hopes and their dreams easier than without alcohol because there is less censure.’
She continued: ‘But when people get drunk, there is no way they can be good lovers. And nobody wants to go to bed with somebody who gets drunk, vomits and wakes up with a hangover.’
We are interested to try the wine and experiment with its claims, but we’ve got to admit were a bit iffy on one fact. According to the article, the bottle of wine will feature a picture of Dr. Ruth’s face. I’m just not sure that I’d want to stare at this:

while trying to get frisky.