Dr. Dre’s Divorce Gets Nasty

Add this to the list of why we choose casual dating over getting married — your ex might drain and embezzle your business bank account. Yikes. Via TMZ:
A company Dr. Dre and his estranged wife founded together is accusing her of draining the primary business account dry and even criminal embezzlement … just the latest sign of how nasty this divorce is getting.
The letter launches right into allegations of wrongdoing by Nicole — claiming she “decimated” the company’s bank account last month to the tune of $353,571.85. Attorney Ed McPherson, who reps the LLC that operates Record One, attached the check Nicole wrote to herself.
The letter accuses Nicole of “blatant and unjustifiable criminal embezzlement of corporate funds,” as well as a breach of her fiduciary duties.
Imagine writing yourself a check for over $300k – that’s some seriously scandalous stuff!