Do Rich People Have Better Sex?

Time for our very first NO DUH moment of the year, we bring you reports from a new study claiming that rich people have better sex us average folk.
The Barcelona Public Health Agency study (via NY Daily News and Jezebel) surveyed 9,850 Spaniards in 2009 and seems to have “found a correlation between socioeconomic status and sexual satisfaction, particularly notable among female respondents.”
“People of a lower socioeconomic status claim to be less satisfied sexually, which especially applies to women, who seem to be more influenced by these factors,” explained lead author Dolores Ruiz in a statement released Wednesday.
Conversely, the study, published in the Annals of Epidemiology, noted that those who were more well-off seemed to have a “better awareness of their own needs and a greater capacity for developing their sexuality in a way which is satisfying for them.”
Researchers also found a link between those with a higher socioeconomic status and the use of contraception.
Why is this such a DUHHH story? Well because, we know that when you’re relaxed and confident, you have better sex. We also know when you’re stressed out, your sex life suffers. AND we know that money woes are the one of the worst contributors to stress. IPSO FACTO, worrying about money can totally drag your sex life into the dumps! It’s not surprising that someone struggling to make rent might be a little pre-occupied while trying to get in the mood – and it’s equally obvious that someone with money for a Paris vacation is going to be a little more “in the moment.”
How can we “normals” take a page out of the sex books of high-rollers? Well, setting a budget every month, being sure to put money away for emergencies, and of course, realizing that you don’t REALLY need the two hundred dollar jeans are all ways to stress less about your financial situation, and instead channel that energy into trying something new between the sheets.
This weekend, make your goal to spend a little less, stress a little less, and wear a little less! We’ll be doing the same.