Divorce In 3 Text Messages
Sometimes I think that maybe, just maybe, I am being a little hard on marriage. I mean, I have never been married, who am I to judge? Some great things came out of people getting married. For example, Marie and Pierre Curie, the French scientists to whom we owe much of our knowledge about radioactivity. Or what about Pat and Oscars. Their breadsticks, have you had them?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THEY TASTE LIKE CHRISTMAS. There is no way Oscar could have done that alone, without the firm yet gentle hand of a lady. Plus – just last week two people get married and it was apparently the greatest thing that has ever happened in the history of the Earth as we know it and caused people to forget all about the fact that wind ripped the United States in half, so that’s cool. I am willing to consider the fact that I may be somewhat biased in the topic, and will perhaps reconsider my stance on marr-
Uhhhhmmm…. wait a sec.
Apparently in Tajikistan you can get divorced just by sending your wife a 3 worded text message. Just by typing “Taloq taloq taloq” to their wives (which translates to “divorce divorce divorce”), Tajik men can legally divorce from their wives.
So, you know. Never mind that whole part up there.
Reason #120,624 not to get married: someone might divorce you VIA TEXT.
Image and story via MercuryNews
May 3, 2011 @ 5:58 am
i wish divorce was that easy here.