Dating & Sex Norms Across the World

If you’ve lived in the US your whole life you might be used to many of the norms of being an American single – expectations, gender roles, etc – but according to this article at BuzzFeed, singles around the world do it differently. Here are just a few:
In Brazil, it wouldn’t be weird to kiss somebody on the lips less than five minutes after striking up a conversation with them. Why? As Marina explains, “Kissing right away is such an aspect of the culture that if you hold back that means you’re not that interested in someone. Men, if you don’t make a move on a woman during the first date, she will think you’re not that into her. Of course, read her body language — if she’s not into you, you will feel it.”
Chile (and other Latin American countries)
Go for the PDA!! “When I [traveled to] Chile, I’ve noticed couples upon couples sucking face in the parks — many still live with parents so it’s common for them to go get physical in parks. In Argentina, it was the same — many couples making out all over the place. I would say that the same goes for countries like Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, etc. Latin Americans are a PDA-loving bunch,” explains Marina.
Drinking culture and dating culture go hand in hand in the UK. For a first date, a pub is an ideal spot. Also, if you want to impress a Brit, find out what their favorite watering hole is. The more you brush up on your pub etiquette, the closer you’ll be to scoring a snog by the end of the date.
“German men and women are highly independent, so don’t expect any special attention as a woman. The man will doubtfully pick you up or pay the tab (he might, but he may expect you to reciprocate next time). Practicality is key here. Also, Germans take their time commitments seriously, so don’t be late on your first date!” Marina adds.
And our favorite, ICELAND:
Iceland is arguably the most sexually liberated country on Earth. Instead of the typical “three-date rule” that is common in the US, Iceland’s casual sex culture has more of an approach where you sleep with a person first and then decide whether or not you want to socially or romantically engage with them afterward. This parallels with Iceland’s strong sense of gender equality, where the women typically aren’t likely to be shamed or pathologized when showing the same amount of interest in sex as men.