Curb Your Enthusiasm Porno?
When you think of television shows that you really wish were made into a porn parody, what comes to mind? Friends? Entourage? True Blood? Obviously not, because those might actually be sexy and entertaining, right?! I’m sure your first idea for a primetime porn parody would be Curb Your Enthusiasm, RIGHT?!
Well, too bad if it wasn’t, cause that’s what Hustler World decided to go with. That’s right- the most awkward show in the history of awkwardness is about to be made into an equally uncomfortable porno, called “This isn’t Curb Your Enthusiasm XXX” because apparently the nation has been crying out in desire for images of Larry David’s dong.
And on a sidenote, Hustler’s been getting real uncreative these days… Not only is the title lame, but all the characters have the exact same names as in the original show. Come on, Hustler, no Cherry David or Jeff Peene? BO-RING.
Here’s a screencap in case you’re interested, which I guess you’re not.