Cuffing Season in the Age of COVID

Can you even believe it’s the last month of the craziest year in recent history? T’is the season for Christmas trees, puffy jackets, and in a time before the global pandemic, holiday-season relationships, which is why it’s called the CUFFING SEASON.
However, with restrictions and recommendations from medical professionals to keep non-necessarily human contact to a minimum, what does that mean for cuffing season? Well, it means it’s time to hang out with us here at OBC and meeting local singles for safe, sexy online flirting. Here are a few tips for the online cuffing season!
Enjoy the safety and sexiness of online flirting! People are LOVING online dating this year. Join them and meet people near and far who you might not have never met in a pre-pandemic world.
Work on your game. It’s been a strange year – are you still able to chat, flirt, and socialize when you have to do if over Zoom or via text?
Get tested for COVID frequently if you choose to meet in person, and be sure those you are dating are also tested if there is a possibility they have come in contact with someone who has the virus.
Take it slow! While it might be easy to think you should lock down with the first guy or gal you meet on OBC for your Winter Quarantine Cutie, you DON’T wanna end up sheltering in place with a total dud. Take your time and get to know each other through messages and video dating first!
Wear your mask and remain 6 feet apart until you feel sure that either a) your potential cuffing mate is COVID free or b) you’re willing to quarantine for 2 weeks.