Crazy Car Accident Video
And this, boys and girls, is why YOU DON’T TRY AND FILM AND DRIVE.
According to Jalopnik, although this video was posted on the first of April, it is 100% authentic. The uploader of the video claims she was filming these two trucks that were playing a game of “cat and mouse” on the freeway because she intended to send it to the companies that owned each truck.
Although, of course, you can’t blame this woman for the freak accident that happens at about :30 seconds into the video, you do have to think that maybe if she’d just kept her distance and made a mental note to call the companies after she’d gotten out of the car, she may have been able to swerve out of the way of the rocket-propelled 2X4 that, had it been 6 inches to the left, would have killed her instantly.
This has been your dumbass lesson of the day.