Courtney Stodden Gets X-Rayed to Prove She’s “100% Real”
In “Lies and the Lying Liars that Tell Them” news, creepy child bride Courtney Stodden is set to be on Dr. Drew’s “Lifechangers” show this morning to “PROVE” that she hasn’t had plastic surgery. According to the preview, shown below, Courtney agrees to get x-rayed to finally squash the rumors that her body is 95% plastic and/or silicone.
Although I’d definitely not say that this episode constitutes a “lifechanger,” I am morbidly curious to see how this episode is going to go. Based on the difference between the two photos below, which sources say were taken a mere 2 years apart, I am almost POSITIVE that a doctor crammed implants into her chest cavity and probably squirted some Botox around her eyebrows, right? Look for yourself:
Needless to say, I look forward to the results. If they show that she does have implants, it will be the most gloriously painful thing to watch. But if she DOESN’T, well, I guess we’ll all have to shut our mouths for once. Or figure out how much they paid Dr. Drew to keep his mouth shut.
I just look forward to the moment when Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison say “JUST KIDDING, WE GOT YOU ALL!” and I can go back to believing in humanity again. It will be a fine day indeed. Check out the video below, and tell us what you think. Do YOU believe Miss Stodden is au natural?
November 7, 2011 @ 6:42 pm
Bras can do amazing things with fun bags. I want to see her topless, then I can decide.
November 7, 2011 @ 4:46 pm