Couple Caught Banging in Park by 25 Bike Cops
Editor’s note: Apparently today is STRANGE BIKE NEWS DAY????

Last week, we mentioned how great summer is for hooking up – the weather is warm, the beaches are beautiful, and gettin’ yo’ public nooky on is more possible than ever. Maybe though, we should have specified that when we said “public” we meant “in a technically public space, preferably at night, away from the prying eyes of passing children and police.” So sorry, Richard McBride and Jennifer Harvey, you can blame us for the fact that you got caught having sex on a park bench in the middle of the afternoon by 25 bike cops.
According to, the couple were walked up on by 25 in-training bike cops who were in the midst of their summer course – and were spotted doin’ it doggy style on a Naylor Run park bench at about 4pm last Wednesday.
“the bicycle cops were finishing up their daily ride in Naylor’s Run Park. They had passed by the kids on swings and the people on the tennis courts and then they rode up to the baseball diamond, where they were startled by a man and woman who were participating in a different kind of aerobic activity, Chitwood said. “There they are, on the first base line. There’s a bench, she is bent over the bench and our friend is behind her with his pants down to his ankle,” Chitwood said, “banging away.””
I imagine it could have been a porno-quality moment had the two participants looked a little less… unsavory. But alas, these poor cops (who have already been relegated to BIKE RIDING) had to walk up on some actual “bumping of uglies.” How unfortunate.
An added detail that makes the story even worse? The quote “mind you, it was 92 degrees and 4 o’clock in the afternoon.” 92 degrees??? That calls for air-conditioned sex ONLY. I can’t even begin the imagine the sweat situation being created on that Pennsylvania park bench. All I know is if for SOME ODD REASON, I find myself in any Pennsylvania parks in the future, I’ll go ahead and stick to standing.
July 2, 2013 @ 10:43 am
They are so stupid! lol..