Cocksman Club: A BirchBox for Condoms
Ever heard of BirchBox? It’s a company that sends you monthly boxes of lifestyle samples like makeup and hair products. I tried it once and wasn’t a fan – ten bucks a month seems like nothing until you realize they’re sending you a volumizing shampoo when you specifically mentioned in the questionnaire that you have TOO MUCH FRIZZY HAIR. Sorry. I am not a fan of BirchBox, but maybe I’d be a fan of Cocksman Club, a monthly box that, for $5/month, sends its members 3 condoms of their choice (or $10 for 10 or 24 for $20).
Wait… wait a second.
So, not only are members of the so-called “Cocksman Club” TOO EMBARRASSED TO SHOP FOR CONDOMS, but apparently they’re only having sex THREE TIMES per MONTH (okay fine, maybe the top-level “legends” do it 24 times a month. Congratulations). Oh, and we love that they try and sell you on the FASHIONABLE CASE. Like when birth control companies starting sending those oh-so-cute plastic boxes for your pills. “Well now I DEFINITELY want to take the pill!” said no one.
If you needed one more reason to roll your eyes at The Cocksman club, just watch this video featuring the world’s most unbearable spokesman (yep – even below Flo):
Hey, we’re always okay with singles making sure they stay safe and healthy during their hook ups – especially since there is an unfortunate trend of guys thinking it’s more “manly” to raw-dog strangers they met in the bathroom line at a nightclub. So if our peeps in #teamSINGLE think the Cocksman Club is a great idea, then we’d gladly endorse.
So, what do you think? Is the Cocksman Club a great way to discreetly obtain condoms? Or should folks man up and buy them (for a fraction of the price) from the store?
March 12, 2014 @ 5:15 pm
Condom Club?? Okay… Tough to believe this is actually serious..