Check Out These New Sex Drive Boosting Gummies

Anyone who’s ever filled up a gas tank knows about those questionable looking “libido enhancers” at the checkstand with photos of greased up mens’ chests on the cardboard and plastic . Horny goat weed, anyone? In the year 2022 though, it appears we have a sleeker, more doctor approved supplement to get ladies more in the mood. Via VICE:
This week, the cutting-edge brand Dame launched its first ever collection of gummies supposedly designed “to significantly improve mood, anxiety, and stress after four weeks of daily use [and to] decrease stress, a factor which can directly impact connectivity and sexual satisfaction.” They’re also giving us Flintstones chewable vitamins nostalgia in the best way.
The lineup of key ingredients includes ashwagandha (to manage stress and improves mood), L-theanine (to promote relaxation), mucuna (a building block of dopamine, a.k.a. the pleasure neurotransmitter) and shatavari (which balances female hormones related to depression and burnout). “To launch Desire Gummies,” a Dame representative told VICE, “Dame also conducted its ownclinical studyon the finished formula, in addition to using ingredients that have been tested on their own [and] are also doctor-approved by Dame’s Clinical Board.”
Count us in, Dame!