Chastity Cage Sex Toy HACKED, Locking Penises Inside

Sorry to ruin your Wednesday with the worst headline ever – according to VICE, a Chinese-developed sex toy called the “Chastity Cage”, which is meant “to allow a trusted partner to remotely lock/unlock the chamber using an app. It would then lock with a metal ring underneath the user’s penis” has the possibility of being HACKED, locking the user’s penis inside indefinitely.
YUP. While we say to each their own, and maybe this kink really works for some people, you may want to hold off on purchasing the Chastity Cage, because as VICE reports,
“The product has no manual overrides, so if hacked, owners might’ve been forced to use a grinder or bolt cutter to free themselves from its metal clamp. Ouch.”
Luckily, TechCrunch reported there was no evidence that the hack had been exploited by anyone yet. Key word: YET.