Change Your Thinking for Better Sex

Good sex is a right – we all deserve it! And while finding the right partner is key to exploring what makes you go BOOM, a new study suggests that it’s your own mental blocks that could also be stopping you from enjoying the sex you truly crave. Via HuffPo:
According to a recent study published in theĀ Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, people tend to have better sexual relationships when their partner believes that their sex life can change for the better over time.
Cultice and her colleagues asked 377 people in relationships to complete assessments that took into account their sexual growth mindset, sexual rejection sensitivity and their sexual satisfaction.
Cultice found that people who believed their partner had a fixed mindset tended to have greater sensitivity to sexual rejection, and that those with higher sexual rejection sensitivity tended to have lower sexual satisfaction.
So if you’re on a mission to ditch missionary and have a more fun, fulfilling sex life with your partner or booty call — then you both gotta BELIEVE it can get better!
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