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Quite possibly the best Mercedes ad ever Oppblåsbar ball yard inflatables
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“a new study shows that overweight women are actually having more heterosexual sex than women of “normal” weight.” The study, conducted by the University of Hawaii and Oregon State, discovered this unexpected trend in sexual relationships between women of different body mass index measurements. Although there is no clear explanation of the results, it helps […]
I relish a great sex dream, despite their unfortunate label of “wet dreams” by stupid 7th grade health teachers. I find few things more exciting than those unannounced, yet enrapturing sex dreams. They happen far too rarely. Maybe I have better sex dreams than most people (many people only have symbolic sex dreams) or maybe […]
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Megan from Jezebel gives us her ridiculous list of how men ruin their chances of having sex. Seriously, no motorboat? You can’t joke around like that! A Guy’s Guide to Not Getting it On It’s a good thing I don’t have a problem with number one on the list. Damn it feels good to be […]
Cosmo Magazine finally did it! They have categorized every single possible way that a woman may please her man. Details in the video below. ‘Cosmopolitan’ Institute Completes Decades-Long Study On How To Please Your Man Gotta love the Onion.
Kings (the drinking game) Booty Call U wants to make sure you learn about one of the greater college past times: the game Kings. It involves one deck of cards, one cup (King cup), at least 3 friends (the more the merrier), and a solid amount of booze. The objective of the game: get crunked […]
The OBC crew and I headed out to Miami for a little conference about the online dating scene. The conference was pretty good, but of course, not as good as going to this club called “Set.” Anyway, at the conference I wanted to find out if dating e how to get your Use a While […]