Good Morning, Butt Robot
What. The. Hell.
What. The. Hell.
Ohhhhhhh jeez. Okay. One second, let’s compose ourselves. Alright. Let’s talk about this “ad” for a “dating service” that is actually just a “super f***ing stupid and borderline offensive commercial for a brand of crappy, dry-ass chips that they give away at 5Ks and even there people are like, ‘no thanks’.” First of all, UGH, […]
Breaking News: Former Patriots (and our home team, the Chargers) linebacker was found this morning in his Oceanside, CA home, dead of an apparent gunshot wound to the chest. Police statements claim he was found by his girlfriend, who called 911. Paramedics attempted to save the 43-year-old, 12-time NFL Pro-Bowler, but he was pronounced dead […]
For once in my life, I am at a loss for words.
As a child of the eighties, I am used to television shows that, if viewed today, would be considered “weird” and “totally lame” and “not even any CGI, how stupid”. However, those shows bring me back to a time when my biggest priority was running home from school fast enough to beat my brother so […]
Answer: Nerd Magic.
Riding on the same masochism train from earlier today, I decided to punish myself by watching this horrifying parody of Nicki Minaj’s song “Starships” by YouTube user BartBaker. With its terrifying visuals, sex-offender of a singer, and use of cats, it is a guaranteed hit on the interwebz. As for me? I guess I might […]
I made an internal promise to myself to never post another video about the world’s creepiest couple, but there are just some mornings when you feel like being rebellious and masochistic. Today appears to be one of those days, because I can’t help posting this video, the first in a series where Miss Courtney Stodden […]
I try to keep politics out of this blog as much as possible, because UGH, politics, but sometimes it’s impossible, especially when said politics is SO FREAKING STUPID IT’S PAINFUL. According to, Missouri legislator Donna Lichtenegger recently posted a picture to her Facebook wall dubbed a “Californian to Texan” translation guide. The “chart” (I […]