Man Has a Fetish For His Wife’s Breast Milk
Funny, I was totally planning on eating lunch today.
Funny, I was totally planning on eating lunch today.
I usually like to start Mondays with something, funny and fun and smile-inducing, to wake you from your weekend haze and jump start you right into the work week. Unfortunately, my friends, this is not the case this week. Instead I bring you something that is more awful and terrible and cringe-inducing, and I’m really […]
I probably could have shortened that title to “Is It Racist? Utah” and you’d be like, “uh, yeah, probably,” but let’s just go with this. In a recent issue of Utah Valley Magazine the editors thought it would be super witty and a great pun if they decided to feature a photo of their staff’s […]
We’ve often talked about the health benefits of getting booty, from weight loss to mood enhancements and even longer lifespan. We definitely stand by our claims and hope anyone, of any age or ethnicity or body type, feels compelled to let boot-knockin’ help them on their path to healthy living. BUT OH MY GOD OH […]
Maybe it’s the ungodly amounts of processed foods I ate yesterday (did you know they are putting cheese INSIDE hot dogs now?), or that last Budweiser I shouldn’t have drank, but this video makes me feel nauseous in a way I didn’t know was possible. We love booty and child rappers and pool parties as […]
As always, it’s up to you… is it racist? (Other possibility – it’s the 70s, everything was weird back then.)
29-year-old Kelsey Smith of (SHOCKER!) Daytona, FL, was so uncontrollable when police brought him in on suspicion of driving under the influence last Tuesday, that they had to hold his head in place for the mugshot, giving us this masterpiece: Doesn’t it look like it should be the cover for a Michael Moore movie about […]
(zombie eyes and blood added for effect) As I know from watching way too many episodes of Law and Order as a kid, there is something called “copycat crimes,” where enterprising criminals copy the manner and style of high profile crimes, for either fame, or to keep the blame off themselves (thanks, Detective Mike Logan). […]
File this under “Things I Never Wanted to See Ever But Then I Hit Play And Couldn’t Stop Watching.” Notoriously strange Icelandic music group Sigur Ros have released a new music video for their song “Fjogur Piano,” and it has something I know you’d always been wondering about: Shia LeBeouf’s penis. Yup, our favorite little […]
Hear the name Rodney King, and what do you think of? Some think of the racial turmoil in the US during the late 80s and early 90s. Others think of abusive of power that many police officers still take part in to this day. Some just repeat the famous line, “can we all just get […]