Penis Storm
Whatever you do, do not let yourself end up in Chihuahua, Mexico this weekend. You can not imagine the throbbing storm that is promising to blow a huge load rainstorm all over your face car.
Whatever you do, do not let yourself end up in Chihuahua, Mexico this weekend. You can not imagine the throbbing storm that is promising to blow a huge load rainstorm all over your face car.
Have you ever noticed when you get your hair cut that the lady (or dude, I guess) who’s cutting your hair has their boobs all up in your face half the time? And sometimes you’re like, am I supposed to be avoiding staring at your lady bits when they are literally inches from my face? […]
Someone’s getting fired today.
There are a lot of interesting gubernatorial candidates up for election this November. Mostly on the east coast (the West is less interesting, more corrupt. BORING). You’ve got the masturbation hating witch, Christine O’Donnell, the “gays all wear Speedos and fondle each other” Carl Palladino, and now, the most genius one yet, a Mr. Jimmy […]
According to an Oregon news center, a man in a military ‘ghillie’ suit who planned on robbing a Hillsboro museum was caught yesterday when he was bitten by an officer’s dog while hiding in a wooded area nearby. Officers say they were responding to the tripped alarm at the museum, and as they searched for […]
Reason #8,720 to not get married: it doesn’t matter many hours you spend in a nightly prayer circle asking God to save your beloved coal miner husband whose been stuck a million feet underground for over two months because you love him with all your heart, if you ain’t passing out enough BJs he’s totally […]
It’s the last couple weeks before Halloween and lots of Americans are starting the slim down process for what is generally considered in this great nation to be the Holiday of Unadulterated Exposed Flesh. All standards of public decency go out the window and no one is allowed to judge you for looking like you’re […]
OkCupid has a great blog that consistently creates engaging statistic-based posts, analyzing online dating trends and profile performance, as well as sharing general info about the current state of the masses (i.e. their user base). The statistics are usually funny, interesting, and sometimes shocking. This one, on the other hand, is just embarrassing. According to […]
Remember that post yesterday about how women are leading “Sexually Disadvantaged Men” like stray sheep into believing they aren’t terrible* in bed? Well, apparently I did not read the report thoroughly enough, or I’d have had GREAT news instead of having to tell you AWFUL news. According to the report, “compared to the figures from […]