Is This Video Real? You Decide.
The important question here isn’t “is it real,” the important question is, “how awesome is it?”* * – Answer: SO AWESOME.
The important question here isn’t “is it real,” the important question is, “how awesome is it?”* * – Answer: SO AWESOME.
It’s National Breast Cancer Month, and BCU takes that very seriously. Nearly 200,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, and the disease does not discriminate: mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters are all caught in the crossfire. It’s not a joke. This video, on the other hand, is.
Since we’re on the topic of unexpected appearances of body parts, let us turn to the always exciting “Fast Money” portion of Family Feud. You know, that show that you only watch if you’re sick AND the Price is Right isn’t on AND you can’t reach the remote? Well, here is one of the very […]
Disclaimer: We neither endorse getting women “sloppy,” nor are we sure what “chocolate covered booty panties” are. That being said, enjoy.
Every Little Step with Mike Tyson & Wayne Brady from Mike Tyson Note to self: 1) chug a Smirnoff Ice and down some fast food before bed, 2) have awesome dance party dreams featuring Mike Tyson, Wayne Brady, and hilariously bad 80s singles, 3) make video about it. Happy Friday everyone!
Videos of people puking always make me laugh. I know that vomiting is awful and uncomfortable and once the dry heaves start you’re really in trouble, but something about watching peoples’ eyes bulge out while bile spews uncontrollably from their organs and they make that inevitable “HUUHHHHHHLLLGFHGHHG” noise just makes me giggle! So watching this […]
We bet you a hundred classic cars that Jay Leno can’t top this. TEAM COCO!
It’s all making sense now, guys. All those times we sat in the lunch room drinking our little boxes of Juicy Juice and eating our little bags of Cheetos, we’re were just dosing ourselves with gay nutrients that were gaying up our pure little straight bodies. Next time you get irritated with the flamboyancy of […]
This weekend in football was full of exciting moments– Chargers beating Jacksonville, Packers tearing the Bills a new exit-only, and an incredibly exciting game between the Texans and the Redskins (again, sounds so, so racist). However, looking past the NFL was where you found the most exciting moment of the weekend: this incredible overtime move […]
Sometime back in the early 2000s, some San Diegan must have sold their soul or performed some heinous act of karma, because the entire city has been getting punished for the past 6 years. I mean, first our entire city sets on fire, and then our entire city sinks to the bottom of the ocean, […]