CBS Cares About Your Balls
Um…. thank…s?
Um…. thank…s?
Do YOU have a problem with porn? Watch it morning, noon, and night? Have problems sleeping because you’re thinking about the next weird fetish you could type into your search bar? Do your friends and family constantly find used tissues and haphazard bottles of lotion around your desk or laptop? WELL WE HAVE A SOLUTION […]
There are certain things in life that just… confuse me. I become torn between two conflicting emotions and don’t know where to turn. It’s like when both Intervention and Jersey Shore are on. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO WATCH? They are both disturbing displays of human degradation and decay that inevitably features a fist fight! […]
Guys, I’m nervous for you. I’m nervous that without Sunday football every week, where you men were not only allowed but basically obligated to scream out your frustrations and thrust your genitals around that you are suddenly going to be left with a whole lot of pent up rage. Unlike us ladies who are able […]
As a young girl, I was never really intrigued by the whole wrestling phenomenon. Sure, I grew up in an area where everyone owned at least two ATVs and considered Dan Marino jerseys “dress up clothes,” but somehow I managed to escape the wrestling obsession that many of my fellow white-trash peers shared. Every once […]
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. In this hilarious College Humor short, we get a glimpse at our future. It begins innocently enough with a guy and a girl checking into the same location at the same time, but imagine if THIS was the case. How many frat brothers will have to […]
Poor, poor local newscasters. They work so hard to get where they are, struggling through school and tests and starting at the bottom of the totem pole, just for the opportunity to SOMEDAY, just maybe, ONE DAY, have a hostage situation at a bank in their town. And all the have to do is make […]
It seems as though companies these days get as much fame (if not more) for the ads that don’t make it to the Super Bowl lineup! Take for example GoDaddy, who every year convinces us that they’re going to have another “too sexy for TV ad”, but then it is almost always that chubby little […]
As always, our friends overseas have to remind us how much more awesome and liberal they are. What with their lower drinking age and acceptance of poor mouth hygiene, it’s no surprise that their Valentine’s Day commercials would be way hotter than our stupid engagement ring ads. Take, for example, this gem for Ann Summers […]
Like I said just a few days ago, Public Brawls are totally the newest, hottest trend to hit the catwalk and the sidewalk in 2011. In the video above, where a lucky fan caught a Public Brawl on a subway platform, the two fashion icons seem to be mid brawl, shockingly close to the […]