Weirdest Skittles Commercial Ever
I wanted to stop. My brain said, “stop. Pull away.” But my heart said, “no, don’t.” But then my brain was like, “EW, HEART, WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?” And my heart said, “I’m not really sure right now.”
I wanted to stop. My brain said, “stop. Pull away.” But my heart said, “no, don’t.” But then my brain was like, “EW, HEART, WHAT’S YOUR PROBLEM?” And my heart said, “I’m not really sure right now.”
As you may have noticed over the past couple years of me writing this blog, I might maybe sort of kind of be a little bit of a geek. Just like, a teeny tiny bit. Like if you could quantify my nerdiness it would be the size of a single midi-chlorian for sure, I mean, […]
I have five questions. 1. WHY 2. WHY 3. WHY 4. WHY 5. “On Knees for Jesus”? WHYWHYWHYWHY?!
I guess this guy is right… someone who has been incarcerated would probably know a lot about working out with minimal equipment. And yeah, men who live in, as he calls it, “the ghetto,” are probably more likely to have been incarcerated at some point in their life due to the unfortunate combination of lack […]
As if my stomach didn’t already hate me for the treachery I put it through last night, I had to see this video, wherein one lunatic breaks the world record for highest dive into a shallow pool. I thought I might be able to hold all this green beer and cabbage down, but with how […]
On one hand, you’ve got to give this guy some credit for having the balls to upload this to the perpetually judgmental and evil internet, and for having the ability to laugh at himself, and for paving the way for our own generation of pajama’d performers like Timmy and his Lady Gaga covers. On the […]
TWO JERSEY SHORE POSTS IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS? It’s official, guys, all this internet activity is turning my brain to mush. However, this video was absolutely, unavoidably necessary, because it shows our least favorite of the Jersey Shore crew utterly BOMBING on stage at last night Roast of Donald Trump. I’ve never thought the roasts were […]
Our favorite bearded comedian hosted SNL again this weekend and true to form, he showed every future host what they’re up against. Within the first five minutes, in fact, we were given better material than most of the season in his hilarious monologue which was equal parts stand up comedy and… dressing like little orphan […]
Of all the Academy Award nominated films that came out this past year, which one did you think would end up with a porn parody? Black Swan, because of it’s hot lesbian action? The Fighter, whose spoof name would obviously be The Biter? Winter’s Bone, which ALREADY HAS BONE IN THE TITLE? Nope, nope, nope. […]
I’m really impressed that Alan Simpson, 4000 years old though he is, knows about all the hottest new tracks. I mean, have you guys heard Enema Man’s new album? It’s SUPER sick. And don’t even get me started on the most recent Snoopy Snoopy Poop Dog single, that song’s gonna be played in all of, […]