This Ad is… Interesting
In the all-knowing words of Twitter, SMH.
In the all-knowing words of Twitter, SMH.
“And the Iraq and such as” seems like HEMINGWAY compared to this.
It’s Monday, get YO groove on. Just, you know, be careful.
It’s FRIIIIDAY! With mere hours before the weekend kicks off, you might be wondering how you’re gonna groove this weekend. Maybe you’re gonna hit an underground 90s R&B club, and dance to hits you remember from middle school. Maybe you’ll go see a concert of a band you love and will sway back and forth, […]
In general, we avoid posting silly, cute videos of animals on BCU. If it has nothing to do with dating and it doesn’t make you laugh or say “WTF” then we don’t really have time for it. Go watch videos of sleepy kittens on your own time (seriously though – go watch them. They’re the […]
I’ve been pretty lucky in my life to have never been stuck on a grounded plane. Thank god, too, because I’m pretty claustrophobic and would probably have a goddamned meltdown right there on the tarmac. On Sunday, these people stuck on a grounded plane with no air conditioning and no water FOR FIVE HOURS IN […]
It’s Friday! Wear something sexy! Drink 12 cups of coffee! Ask the cute girl at Starbucks on a date! Listen to tunes while you work! Treat yourself to lunch! Start a high-five train around the office! Take the scenic route home! Eat something new for dinner! Leave a nonsense voicemail for an old friend! Have […]
It’s Hump Day, which means in like, 8 hours we’ll be on the almost-over side of the work week instead of the just-started-holy-crap-how-long-is-this-gonna-take work week! Grab your coffee and your scone and sit down for a video that makes you smile to start the day! Good job, kid. Best instincts I’ve ever seen.
It’s Thursday, May 30, and there is only one more day of Sexy Summer Slim Down Month. We are feeling great! Ready to take on the summer, flaunt that six pack, and wrangle in some sexy new booty calls for the coming warm months. How about you? Today, though, we’re tired. Sore. A little lazy. […]
I’m not normally one to post feel-good, make-your-eyes-water videos. For one – you’re probably at work. There is no reason to set you off crying this early. For two, you can find those EVERYWHERE else on the internet, let’s keep this blog to singles advice and things that make you go “WTF.” However, after yesterday’s […]