The Weirdest Video of the Day
If this is a parody, then A+, boys. You have successfully made fun of every boy band ever and I love it and it’s amazing. If you’re serious, though, and I kind of think they’re serious, then HAHAHAHAHAHA.
If this is a parody, then A+, boys. You have successfully made fun of every boy band ever and I love it and it’s amazing. If you’re serious, though, and I kind of think they’re serious, then HAHAHAHAHAHA.
When you woke up this morning, probably still full from that 24 oz Porterhouse you ate at 8pm yesterday because America, was your first thought, “man, I sure wish I could start the day watching a British television show clip wherein a legendary nature show narrator lends his voice to a video of a small […]
Every morning, I wake up to read the many Tweets about the late-night OBC commercials. Generally, they’re some variation of “what has the world come to,” “SMH,” or “one way ticket to STD town!” It’s always a pleasure to scoff back at them that we actually have our own OBC brand condoms, and that by […]
The movie that spawned a thousand drunken catchphrases, from “LOOK HOW GOOD I LOOK” to “you are a gentleman and a scholar,” to “my apartment smells of rich mahogany” is coming back at us in sequel form, and OH MY GOD I CAN’T WAIT. I don’t know about you, but Anchorman (along with several other […]
We’ve had many debates here at BCU, deciding what is more awesome, what is more awful, and sometimes even which bath-salts-ingesting criminal is more psychotic. It was only a matter of time before we got to a little skin-crawling, cringe-worthy edition of “Which is More Embarrassing,” and today is that day! First off, we have […]
Over here on the left coast, many college students are about to get out for summer. Some are graduating which means they’ll be pushed out of the nest and left to fend for themselves in the big scary world. Obviously, the best way to celebrate this newfound independence is to spend this weekend just getting […]
Will Ferrell hosted SNL this weekend, and it was, in a word – disappointing. I suppose that could be said for a large percentage of the recent episodes, but my New Years Resolution was to be more positive*, so let’s be SUPER excited and POSITIVE and SLIGHTLY ENTERTAINED by the one sketch that made me […]
Ah yes, this is more like it. Move over, soul-crushing rage, Friday is a day for Will Ferrell in skin-tight white jeans if you ask me! In this clip from last night’s episode of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, our favorite cow-beller dons a hilarious wig and definitely-too-snug outfit to serenade us with a ditty […]
What’s up, amigos? How was your Cinco De Mayo? Did you go to any fiestas or get muy borracho (don’t be intimidated by my fluent Español, I took 4 years in high school so I’m pretty skilled)? Welp, it’s back to the grindstone this week, so let’s get a few giggles into that tequila-scented mouth […]
Living in a post-DJ Earworm world, mashups are really no surprise anymore. Living in a post-Skrillex world, dubstep is about as popular and common as any rock or pop song. And living in a post-2011 movie, we now are all familiar with the strangely addicting movie “supercut”. BUT ALL THREE? COMBINED? FEATURING WOMEN IN CLASSIC […]