Casual Sex is AOK – As Long As It’s Safe!
We love casual dating, random hook ups, one night stands, friends with benefits, ETC ETC ETC. Basically, we’re totally fine with any type of sexual relationship you can think of, as long as it’s consensual, between adults, and of course, SAFE!
So you can imagine we loved this article on that talks about the importance of safe casual sex, EVERY TIME. Even if it’s a friend you’ve hooked up with tons of times, not gloving your junk is never okay. Wrap it up, boys!
Here are some other important tips about keeping your fun, casual sex safe – so it doesn’t end in a situation that is the OPPOSITE of fun and casual:
There are still plenty of STDs that are contracted by skin-to-skin contact, such as syphilis and HPV, and condoms might not cover all of the areas where these infections could be present.
Hip dudes, please stop mentioning your vasectomy whenever we ask about condoms. Vasectomies are great, but they don’t prevent chlamydia. (Hey girl, remember when you lived in that big city where, like, every guy had a vasectomy, and how mad they were because ladies still wouldn’t let them hit it raw, because that’s gross and so are they?) The Clarke County Health Department does offer low- to no-cost vasectomies based on income, but that program is out of funding currently, so you’ll still have to wrap it up.
If you have a skin condition, rash or sore that looks like an STD, don’t be embarrassed; just tell your partner before the clothes come off.
If you actually do have an STI or STD, that sucks, but it’s OK. Don’t be ashamed, and please take care of yourself. Every year there are 19.7 million new infections in our country, and while most are harmless, some have the potential to cause serious health problems if not diagnosed and addressed early. HPV, when unchecked, can cause a few different types of cancer. See a doctor and tell your partner/partners.
Thanks to the smarties behind the Hey, Bonita… blog for these great tips. Looking to meet local singles for fun, casual (safe!) dates? Join us at the #1 dating website:, to browse thousands of singles near you.
March 13, 2016 @ 6:08 am
Let’s hook up soon my phone is almost dead
August 16, 2015 @ 1:53 am
like my duck
July 14, 2015 @ 4:42 am
i hate it when guy uses condom feels unnatural and so messy
July 10, 2015 @ 12:30 pm
Like to hook up with your pretty ass
July 9, 2015 @ 2:05 pm
Why is still on the guy to so called wrap it up? Now adays there are more than just male condoms.. just dont leave it up to the men, women got their own now too.. lets see some of that.