Can Women Use Viagra?!

Men have been popping that Little Blue Pill for years to get their sex drive up and recover previously diminished sex drives. But now, there’s an uptick in a new type of audience trying out Viagra – WOMEN.
In the eyes of the medical establishment, Viagra is a boner drug. But some are finding it useful for sex, pain relief and rare health conditions.
Nicole is 42, married, and has no particular sexual ‘disorder’ to speak of. For her, Viagra and equivalent drugs aren’t fixers, but enhancers. In other words, the little blue pills don’t help her have sex, they help her have great sex.
General wisdom rules that Viagra doesn’t help with women’s sexual arousal, only their blood flow. Nicole acknowledges this, but says in her personal experience, it couldn’t be further from the truth. “When you feel your clit getting hard and full with just the thought or anticipation of sex, I’d beg to differ,” she says. “I can feel it get engorged, and it also helps with lubrication.”
The article goes on to say that any woman considering taking Viagra should first consult their doctor, as the box clearly states the drug is not for women. But man, with results like that — we might be adding it to our list of questions for the doc next visit!