Can Staying Quiet During Sex Make it Better?

We’re of the belief that a few well-emitted moans, gasps, and even screams make a booty call better. But after Cara Delevigne’s recent super steamy interview where she extolled the virtues of quiet sex, people are wondering if quieter is better. Via VICE:
While vocalising is an important part of sex, most heterosexual sex that we come across makes it seem like the coitus of champions is always accompanied with women making erotic sounds. That’s not to say the moan doesn’t have its own benefits, be it “a representation of the intensity of excitation,” serving as a way to get attention, to signal to a partner that you’ve had your orgasm (fake or not) so that it boosts their ego and they’ll likely come back for seconds, or just adding to an erotic experience.
But how well does that translate to our bedrooms where many of us either can’t let out squeals or just don’t feel like it? A 2011 study that surveyed cishet women between ages 18 and 46 discovered that 66 percent of them moaned to speed up their partner’s climax, and 87 percent did so to boost the man’s self-esteem.
[One sex therapist] believes that even though making sounds can be seen as a result of years of cultural conditioning through porn or popular culture, it’s unfair to say a particular kind of sex is better.
“All of us have a different journey with sex,” she said. “Ultimately, it all comes down to the question of who you are moaning or not moaning with. In a healthy relationship, being vocal about what you’re feeling is a great way to provide feedback!
We don’t know if we want our hook ups to be as soundless as a silent movie, but a little fun with keeping it whisper quiet and see if it adds to the fun. Try it this weekend with a booty call from OBC!