Brazil Promoting Safe Sex at Carnival

If there is one international event in the world that calls to us like a siren song, it’s Brazil’s CARNIVAL. Three days of mostly naked, music and booze fueled revelry in the nation known for some of the most gorgeous women alive. WHAT’S NOT TO LIKE? Well, I suppose there’s the very good chance of catching an STD because you drunkenly hooked up with a stranger in a foreign country… but now Brazil is taking steps to ensure your debauchery doesn’t have any lasting, er… effects.
In response to the growing popularity of hookup apps like Tinder and Hornet, the ministry has created fake profiles purporting to belong to revellers interested in unprotected sex.
When users contact the fake profiles, they receive messages warning about the dangers.
The ol’ BAREBACK SWITCHEROO, as we always called it (not really, we just made that up)! Although it’s probably a big let down when these users contact someone for some NSA sexo, we gotta admit trolling hook up apps is a great way to remind people that not using condoms can lead to some REALLY UNFORTUNATE CONSEQUENCES. Just Google “advanced genital warts” if you want a reminder that condoms are your BFF.
Speaking of condoms, Brazil’s got you covered there, too:
Officials said on Monday that the ministry will distribute some 70 million condoms nationwide during the February 13-17 celebrations.
Brazil, you win. All the awards. Next year – we’ll see you at Carnival!