Bored in Bed? Add a Little Novelty, Or Meet Someone New

While we may consider ourselves as humans smarter and more advanced than other animals on Earth, when it comes to sex we often have a lot in common with our furrier friends. And according to studies, hooking up with someone new is how you get your mojo back.
“Eroticism needs a bit of an edge, an unknown; even some degree of risk,” Siegel said. “Risk can also come just from trying something new and not knowing how it’s going to turn out. Our brains are wired to respond more to novelty, especially with regard to our reward system and experiences of pleasure — hence, the ‘Coolidge Effect.’”
The Coolidge Effect is a biological phenomenon (named after an amusing but perhaps apocryphal story involving President Calvin Coolidge and his wife Grace) in which animals, specifically males, show a progressive decrease in sexual interest toward a previous mate, while the introduction of a new partner renews their desire for sex.
“Research has found that when a male rat is placed inside a cage with several female rats that are in heat, he will mate with all of them until he appears exhausted,” sex educator and researcher Justin Lehmiller wrote in a blog post on his website. “However, if a new female is then introduced to the cage, males often experience an immediately renewed interest in sex and begin mating with her.” It’s also been documented in humans.
So if you’re feeling blase about a booty call, it might be time to get back on OBC — and see if someone new sparks your desire.