Booty Call Vs. One Night Stand
When we hear criticism about OBC, it’s usually people saying things like “you’re selling a bunch of meaningless one night stands,” and it’s then when we just roll our eyes and don’t put up a fight, because anyone who would say that obviously just doesn’t get it. If we were selling one-night stands, wouldn’t we be called OnlineOneNightStand, instead of OnlineBootyCall? Well, obviously the message isn’t as clear as we thought it was because the “one-night stand” argument continues to pop up, so let us help remind you of the differences between a booty call and a one night stand.
First of all, even science has shown that booty calls and one night stands aren’t the same!
Studies have shown that a booty call falls in a different place on the spectrum than either a one night stand or a committed relationship. They’ve also found that people who partake in casual sex are no less likely to end up in a healthy, committed relationship sometime in the future. Sometimes, booty calls even end up as relationships! And what luck, considering sex is one of the most key elements of a relationship. No one loses in a booty call situation, it’s just two people who enjoy being single but like the benefit of having regular sex without the added drama. Instead of being single and lamenting about a “dry spell,” you can have all the perks of being single minus the tedious hunt for hook ups. What’s not to love?
Remember, safety first!
If you do it right, a booty call can be one of the safest sexual relationships a person could have! You always know to have protection ready, and can feel comfortable discussing your sexual health with a person because HEY, that might be all you have in common! With a one-night stand, you could potentially risk drunkenly thrusting your way into a hearty dose of genital herpes, AKA the gift that keeps on giving.
What’s wrong with Friends With Benefits?
Booty calls are just another way to name “friends with benefits.” Take Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake in their movie of the same name – the trailer shows that they are great friends who have bad luck in relationships, so they decide to try a fun, non-exclusive sexual relationship. A booty call is just that – a friend you can always call up for a romp in the hay without feeling guilty or awkward! Even if you aren’t “besties,” though, a booty call isn’t a stranger. You know their name. You probably know where they live. You definitely know their favorite position. You know a lot more about a booty call then you know about a one-night stand, even if you think you “fell in love” at the bar. Although you might not watch movies and eat take out together, you can get to know a lot about your booty call, without ever having to deal with an emotional commitment that will almost certainly end in heartbreak.
On top of these three MASSIVE differences, there also lies the fact that you can meet a booty call on Sure, we bet there have been a few one night stands in our time becoming the #1 casual dating site on the internet, but that is not our intention. At OnlineBootyCall, you can meet someone, learn stuff about them, chat with them online, and even get a little dirty before you even meet… all while knowing that you’re both only looking for a great time and nothing serious, or in other words, a booty call!
April 29, 2011 @ 9:48 am
when it comes down to it…booty night..they have often leads…baby..guy stuck with 18 support…aides condom broke..really never knew each otner..stuck now years of drama..the lazy way to screw without heart aches of building true relationship..feeling like trash after..woman..booty many sexual partners you lost count.