Bisexual Men DO Exist

According to a new study, a dude doesn’t automatically become GAY the second he experiments with another guy, despite what fraternity bros have been shouting for years. The study, performed by Northwestern University (coincidentally the same school that stated bisexuality was an “unproven theory” in 2005), seems to show that men, like women, can in fact be attracted to both sexes.
Via Gawker (from the New York Times):
Men watched videos of male and female same-sex intimacy while genital sensors monitored their erectile responses. While the first study reported that the bisexuals generally resembled homosexuals in their responses, the new one finds that bisexual men responded to both the male and female videos, while gay and straight men in the study did not.
The machismo, somewhat homophobic attitude of many men today probably will ensure this study isn’t taken very seriously among the male population, but we’re sure the bisexual men in the world feel relief that some sort of scientific research is proving they are just as “normal” as any of their peers. I don’t expect to see the amount of MMF threesome porn exploding anytime soon, but hey – one step at a time, right?
* yes, I know – the image above is from the hit sitcom “Two Guys, a Girl, and a Pizza Place.” It just seemed fitting.