Benefits of a Two-Ton Bed
Parisian designer Rick Owen (Rick Owens? That’s like, the least French name I’ve ever heard) just came up with a fascinating piece of furniture: a 2 ton bed made with alabaster, bronze and marble, called Pavane for a Dead Princess, which sounds exactly like a place that you’d die in your sleep.
It may seem crazy to buy an art piece to sleep on, but trust us, there are benefits!
1. Your friends will never, ever help you move.
2. When bringing a booty call over, you’ll have to be extra careful not to hit her head on the bed frame, because she could literally die.
3. You won’t be able to pay your rent.
4. The floor of your apartment could cave in, plummeting you to your death.
5. Hitting your shin on the side of the bed could result in bone fragments flying all over the room! Festive!
Read more at Asylum