Ben Roethlisberger Named In Urine Investigation

People sure do have it out for sports stars these days. Poor Ben Roethlisberger, all he wants to do is play football and golf, and get drunk and laid, and everyone in the world is puttin’ him down! First that chick who says he raped her (don’t believe it) and now a Miss Nan Fowler (sounds like a prude). The obviously obnoxious woman reported a man fitting the NFLer’s description “peed on some trees” during a golf game last Friday at the Muirfield Village Country Club in Dublin, Ohio. Cops were called and an investigation was launched.
Fast forward twenty minutes and the cops must have been like, “Wait, you called us out here for some dude peeing… on… some trees?”
First of all, who hasn’t peed on some trees at a gold course. The pro-shop is so far away! And the beer! And second, shut up, Nan Fowler, and mind your own business. It’s obvious the only reason she called the cops was the off chance of getting on TMZ, which, congrats, you did it, Nan Fowler. Now you shall always be known as the stuck up old woman who called the cops on a guy for PEEING.