Being “High-Maintenance” is a Red Flag on Dating Sites

Yesterday we talked about the turn offs for women in dating, and today here’s one for guys — apparently men consider it a red flag if women appear “high-maintenance”, so women often go out of their way to make themselves seem more easy-going or relatable.
A researcher describes to ABC:
In my research into dating apps and heterosexual matches, I found men sought to portray themselves as handsome, muscular — tanned, even — in their profile shots to attract more matches.
Conversely, women sought to portray themselves against a cultural idea.
Women looked to develop profiles that conveyed them as “not high-maintenance”.
In her profile photos, the high-maintenance “girl” (as she was often described by the men and women in my research), was likely wearing “too much” make-up, or form-fitting clothes. She would be dressed for a party (or “going out”). She would be pouting at the camera, Instagram-style, or toting an expensive handbag.
Behaviourally, she was perceived as difficult. She wanted things, and expected a high standard. There was a labour involved in dating her, and therefore, a financial burden.
So what do you think? Are you immediately turned off by women on dating sites who appear “high-maintenance”? Sound off on social media!